About Us
The Indiana College Costs Estimator (ICCE) is made possible as the result of collaboration between the National Center for College Costs, Learn More Indiana and the Indiana Commission for Higher Education.
The National Center for College Costs (NCCC)
powers this site and is an Indiana-based organization that for over a decade has been committed to addressing college access issues and showing families that college is possible financially (www.collegecosts.com).
Learn More Indiana
is a statewide communication effort to raise the education attainment of Hoosiers made possible through a partnership of the Indiana Commission for Higher Education, The Indiana Department of Education, the Indiana Department of Workforce Development, and the State Student Assistance Commission of Indiana, with additional support from USA Funds, Inc. and the Lumina Foundation for Education (www.learnmoreindiana.org).
The Indiana Commission for Higher Education
is a fourteen-member public body created in 1971 to: define the educational missions of public colleges and universities; plan and coordinate Indiana’s state-supported system of postsecondary education; review budget requests from public institutions and the State Student Assistance Commission; approve or disapprove for public institutions the establishment of new programs or expansion of campuses (www.in.gov/che).
This free website is currently made available to all Hoosiers thanks to a two-year license from the Indiana Commission for Higher Education. Additional funding for the development of this site was made possible thanks to grant funds from the Lilly Endowment, Inc.