Indiana College Costs Estimator

Research Other Planning Steps

While the cost issue is often the single largest concern of students and parents planning for college, there are many other steps students must take to prepare academically and otherwise for the college years. In this section, you will find a variety of helpful tips such as: how to approach the admission process, how to prepare for college entrance exams, how to have a successful campus visit, and more. Be sure to check out the upcoming Ask the Expert sessions too in which you can learn from experts at the National Center for College Costs and get your questions answered related to financial aid, college admissions and other related topics. And the FAQ section will provide answers to questions thousands of students and parents before you have asked over and over again. Want to learn more about the information in this section? Check out our YouTube tutorial for Research Other Planning Steps

College Survival 101 Video

The point of this video is to help equip you with some of the knowledge that will help to make you a successful college student—no matter what school you end up going to. We cover tips on how to make a successful transition to college and actually make it to that degree. We will also summarize the three key secrets to success in college.